Two molecules in a man's urine can reveal aggressive, life-threatening cancer. These "biomarkers" could lead to a new test to help predict cancer aggressiveness and progression.
Eating whole grains, legumes and other slowly digested carbohydrates may help reduce cancer and heart disease risk in overweight adults.
With innovative early detection research, precise screening and targeted therapies, our researchers are developing better strategies to stop cancer’s No. 1 killer.
Fatigue, insomnia, blood pressure, walking endurance and other physical and mental benefits improve with community-based strength-training classes.
A momentous study showing antiretroviral drugs reduce the risk of HIV transmission by 96 percent was named Science magazine’s Breakthrough of the Year — and Hutchinson Center researchers played a key role.
Human genes with mutations that cause cancer or other diseases could be repaired using a newly discovered type of gene-targeting protein.
Our researchers have identified the genes and mechanisms of a common form of muscular dystrophy, which could lead to a diagnostic test.
One of the top researchers in her field, Linial may have lost her sight, but not her scientific vision of unraveling complicated foamy viruses.
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Private support is critical to fund new ideas and innovations in research as they emerge.
Annual Report 2011Read about our latest lifesaving innovations, which would not have been possible without private financial contributions.